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Move Management

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Move Management

As more and more companies outsource non core activities, the use of our Move Management service allows your staff to concentrate on their work instead of having to plan a large office relocation.

Our Move Managers can work in conjunction with the project manager, your own team or simply as a stand-alone support service for your relocation.

We will establish a workable action plan defining tasks and ensuring everything is communicated to all employees.

Before starting we recommend the creation of a written user brief. This doesn’t have to be a huge document, a simple statement of needs and numbers will be fine although the more information the better.

Once objectives are clearly set we can start to identify how to turn your needs into reality:

  • This will involve meeting with your communications staff to ensure that the new building is able to offer the necessary cabling infrastructure for now and the foreseeable future.
  • We will meet with Departmental heads and carry out a furniture and filing survey. From this we can calculate what is needed and start to plan who needs to be near who, etc. Whether there is spare furniture that needs to be disposed of or whether more furniture is required.
  • We will then take your architects drawing (or prepare our own) and turn them into installation drawings on which every single item of furniture and equipment is clearly marked and numbered. From our initial drawing we will discuss the merits and any necessary changes and if required redraw the layout plans.
  • Once agreed these drawings will then be given to IT service providers and electricians to ensure that voice, data and power outlets are provided in the correct locations.
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  • Once we know how long IT and electrical work will take, we can then put together a move time table.
  • From this point on communication with staff is very important. We would arrange regular departmental meetings to advise, what’s going to happen, what they need to do, what they don’t need to do. And to back this up we will prepare a ‘Move Manual’ for general distribution.
  • Things do not always go smoothly and any number of external events could cause a delay or a change of needs or priorities. Therefore we will prepare a contingency plan to deal with foreseeable problems (over run of works, lift breakdowns, road closures, weather issues, etc).
  • We will prepare, distribute and log full risk assessments and method statements for all phases of work.
  • We will design and implement a labeling strategy to ensure that all items are moved to their required location.
  • We will implement a temporary signage strategy in the new building to ensure that there is no confusion as to what goes where.
  • We will brief the removal foreman and oversee the whole moving process. Including ensuring that the old building is clear and that all items are correctly located in the new building.
  • We will implement and oversee a ‘Helpdesk’  to deal with any problems following the move.
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